Thursday 13 September 2012

Bah humbug

Whilst the crowds were engaging in various act of genuflection, also known as panting, bowing, scraping, touching forelocks and flag waving, as fast as their arms would allow, in a general state of being besides themselves at the spectacle of Elizabeth swanning down the Thames, a report titled "end child poverty" caught my attention, see link here: //

It makes grim reading and exposes the "loving our children" myth, believed by so many. Of course there is often an academic/intellectual debate as to whether poverty is absolute or relative with many comforting themselves with these mindless concepts, telling themselves, at least "they don't have it as bad" as children in other parts of the world. Children like those in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria perhaps who have and are having their lives snuffed out by the  previous and current war  criminals ensconced in the Houses of Parliament.

War is not only illegal it comes at a price, see link here: The price being paid via the collection of taxes from the general population, who then have austerity measures foisted upon them resulting in many families not being able to provide for their children who in reality are bound in perpetual debt.
Paying for war is only a part of the problem however. The public paid millions for the jubilee, this is on top of the millions paid per year by the public to Elisabeth, see link here: this link also contains the figures for Elisabeth's personal wealth, whilst the following link:  provides evidence of her position as the largest landowner in the world. The following link  contains information as to the shenanigans engaged in by Elisabeth and other family members, in order they were able, to get their grubby little mitts on the wealth of the crown estate, held since 1769 presumably in trust, and belonging to the sovereign human beings of UK Plc.      

Is it any wonder there are children living in poverty given the above. Has anyone ever thought of saying to Elisabeth "we cant afford it so fuck off and fund your own lifestyle and celebrations" Is the country stuck in the grip of Stockholm Syndrome whereby because she has the image of a "dear old grandma" we smile and wave, all the time overlooking the absolute greed and avarice, she appears to have in abundance. Why if you have that much wealth do you grasp for more, is it like being a crack addict whereby the first rock is the best and one rock is never enough, leading to a cycle of chasing and attempting to re-create that initial high.

How much land and wealth do you need before you're satisfied, how many palaces can you live in at any one time, come on now really. There is something seriously wrong with a country that has children living in poverty whilst picking up the tab for individuals who have personal wealth in the range of millions and billions and trillions of pounds.

This isn't a suggestion to strip her of her wealth but we could just stop paying for her and put the other benefit scroungers on the work-fare programme. Imagine seeing Kate, Harry and Wills stacking shelves in Poundland or doing the foam pointy finger thing in Asda, warms the cockles of the heart.

That way the country could, would and should save millions and be able end child poverty overnight.      

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