Sunday 9 September 2012

A nice little earner

Disclaimer: Although the words "social worker" are used I hereby state I am not working or registered as a "social worker" with any organisational or governmental body. Although having the academic qualifications needed to work within the profession of "social work" it is not a career I wish to pursue. The reasons for this are many and varied.

One of the requirements of working in the "social work" field is to be registered with a professional /governmental body. This according to the last regulatory body is necessary so that those working in the field are "assessed as trained and fit to be in the workforce or study or on an approved social work degree course" The legislation covering registration is contained in the Care Standards Act 2000. Under Section 61 of this act "social worker" is a protected title. Section 61 states " If a person who is not registered as a "social worker" in any relevant register, and is not registered as a visiting "social worker" from a relevant European State in any relevant register, with intent to deceive another - (a) takes or uses the title of "social worker" (b) takes or uses any title or description implying that he is registered in either of those ways, or in any way holds himself out as so registered, he is guilty of an offence.The regulatory body claim "that we make sure that those working in "social work" meet rigorous registration requirements and we hold them to account for their conduct by our codes of practice, this is also covered in the Care Standards Act 2000" The clue as to what is really going on can be found where it says, "meet rigorous registration requirements" see link here:

My query to the regulatory body was this, what happens if you are working in the position of a "social worker" but are not registered, not because of any wrong doing, and you advise people you are not registered, so they are not deceived into thinking you are. Is it still necessary to register and would you therefore be guilty of an offence if you worked as an unregistered "social worker" I have never to date received an answer to these questions from anyone connected with the regulatory body, as it was at the time. It's not clear whether they understand the question or whether they are not able perhaps to answer for fear of giving the game away.

Having the name of someone working as "social worker" on a register does not in itself mean the "social worker" is "trained and fit to be in the workforce" they may be trained, fit and in the workforce, or they could be one or all of those things. What a register does show however is they have not done anything or have been found to have done anything which shows they are unfit to be in the workforce and thus have their name removed from the register.

Whenever anything is registered it becomes the property of the Crown, this being the Crown Corporation based in the City of London. Why when working as a "social worker" do you need to be registered with the Crown Corporation, what if you don't want or wish to be registered with the Crown Corporation. Or is registration just a mechanism used essentially by the Crown Corporation to raise revenue.

The fee for inclusion on the register at one time was thirty pounds and if I remember rightly this was per year.
 According to the Community Care website there are currently eighty eight thousand "social workers" on the register. Do the maths and you will see it is a phenomenal amount of money and this is just for putting the names of human beings who happen to work as "social workers" on a register and in order to maintain that register.

Human beings who work as "social workers" like everyone else pay taxes and national insurance but also pay to have their names on a piece of paper otherwise known as a register or in reality a database. How costly is it to produce a spreadsheet.

Besides isn't it the government itself which creates many of the problems via their policies which it then claims it needs "social workers" to sort out or attempt to sort out. The government are quids in reaping tax and national insurance from those working as "social workers" whilst at the same time charging them to use the title "social worker" You really couldn't make this shit up. As Del boy would say "that's a nice little earner Rodney" Governments should be known as scams are us!!

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